Metal Hip Replacement Metallosis Lawsuit

Metal Hip Replacement Injuries

If you’re facing injuries or a medical complication from a metal hip implant, you might be eligible to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer for compensation for your losses. The experienced team at Mass Tort Alliance can review your case and determine the right lawyer to represent you. We understand our clients’ needs and aim to meet and exceed all expectations. You deserve to hold the negligent company liable for its actions.

A hip replacement should be a routine procedure with minimal risks. Unfortunately, various manufacturers, including Stryker and DePuy, provided defective devices and are now facing lawsuits.

At Mass Tort Alliance, our staff wants to ensure you receive high-quality legal representation from an attorney you can depend on and trust. You shouldn’t have to face the uphill legal battle alone. Your legal team can take on the responsibility for your lawsuit by filing the documents, gathering evidence, and arguing your case in court.

Your primary focus should be on treating your injuries. Many people require revision surgeries, physical therapy, and other forms of treatment to recover. While you’re attending your appointments, your attorney will take care of the legal aspects of your case.

The negligent manufacturers of metal hip devices should pay for the harm and suffering they caused. Learn more about your legal options for securing financial compensation in a lawsuit by contacting Mass Tort Alliance today.

Why Choose Mass Tort Alliance?

Mass Tort Alliance has been connecting clients to qualified and experienced lawyers for years. We know the type of services you need to achieve your goals. You can feel confident that you’re in excellent hands while you seek justice for the injuries you suffered.

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Our representatives in the call center are available 24/7. Waiting days or weeks for a callback is something you won’t have to worry about with us. We’re standing by, ready to speak with you about your case.

Case Evaluation

We will review the details of your injury and other elements of your claim to determine if you qualify for a lawsuit. The initial consultation is free, so you receive the legal advice and guidance you need without paying any fees.

Personalized Attention

We know the importance of one-on-one attention from a dedicated and compassionate lawyer. We will personalize our services to your specific needs to make sure you receive the legal representation you deserve.

Advanced Intake

Our intake process is easy and efficient. We gather all your details, so the legal team you’re matched with can be ready to start working on your case immediately.

The Basics of Hip Replacement Surgery

A hip replacement surgery offers a range of benefits to people who can’t walk without feeling pain or are immobile. However, defective metal hips can cause a range of complications, leading to even more pain and surgeries. Knowing the basics of an artificial hip and how these metal devices work is essential to understanding the dangerous risks you could face with a faulty hip replacement.

Anatomy of the Hip

The hip is a ball and socket joint at the part of the body where the pelvis and thigh bone meet. It provides stability while supporting a person’s body weight and allows movement, such as walking and sitting. The hip is one of the most stable joints in the body but is prone to arthritis and other medical conditions due to the extra pressure it sustains each day from a person’s weight. When you experience any pain in that area, it’s likely because of an injury to the tendons, muscles, or bursae, which are tiny sacs filled with fluid that lubricate and cushion the joints.

Qualifications for Hip Replacement

Fractures, arthritis, aging, and other problems can lead to bone damage. When that happens, the functions of everyday life can be a challenge. If medications, lifestyle changes, and other treatment options don’t work, a hip replacement might be necessary.

The most common conditions that require a metal hip device are:

Rheumatoid arthritis

An autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation that can damage cartilage between the bones.

Post-traumatic arthritis

This type of arthritis occurs after a severe injury, leading to pain and stiffness, especially if there’s damage to the cartilage.

Bone tumors

Tumors on the hip joint can prevent a person from walking, sitting, or moving as usual.


Following a fracture, there could be low blood supply to the femoral head, causing the surface of the bone to collapse and arthritis to develop.


Cartilage around the hip bone begins to wear, resulting in the bones rubbing together. This causes significant and often debilitating pain.

Hip diseases

Arthritis and other conditions can result from hip bones that don’t grow correctly in childhood.

During Surgery

During a hip replacement, the surgeon makes an incision over the hip joint through the tissue layers underneath the skin. They remove any diseased or damaged bone and cartilage and replace it with the metal implant. The implant is either seated or cemented into the pelvic bone to act as a new ball and socket joint. This allows the patient to walk, sit, stand, and perform other movements they couldn’t do before the surgery.

Three main parts make up a hip replacement device:

  • Ball – Replaces the femur head.
  • Cup – Inserted into the pelvis.
  • Stem – Placed into the femur.

There are three types of hip replacement surgeries available, depending on your medical condition and the severity of the damage:

  • Partial hip replacement – Also called a hemiarthroplasty, this surgery replaces one part of the hip.
  • Total hip replacement – The entire hip is replaced with an artificial joint.
  • Hip resurfacing – Resurface the femur head, replace the damaged socket, and cover the top of the femur with a metal cover. This option could delay the need for a total hip replacement.

Although patients can find relief from metal-on-metal hips, some defects could cause painful side effects and complications.

Common Injuries Caused By Metal Hip Devices

Just like with any surgery, a hip replacement comes with risks. However, metal-on-metal hips have problems that make them inherently unsafe for patients. They can deteriorate quickly, erode, and release metallic ions into a person’s bloodstream. When that happens, metallosis, or metal poisoning, develops, leading to various symptoms, such as:

  • Rashes
  • Tissue death
  • Vertigo
  • Swollen joints
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Trouble with memory and concentration
  • Hip pain
  • Abnormal blood pressure
  • Difficulty walking normally
  • Partial or total deafness
  • Heart failure
  • Goiters in the affected area

Additional complications someone with a metal hip might experience are:

  • Organ damage
  • Cobalt chromium toxicity
  • Pseudotumors
  • Hearing or vision loss
  • Heart failure
  • Aseptic lymphocyte-dominant vasculitis-associated lesions
  • Loosening implant
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Device failure

Some patients note that they don’t feel any symptoms, but a blood test alerts them to the high levels of metal ions in their bloodstream. If you have a metal hip, you should see your doctor immediately, even if you’re not experiencing any symptoms. They can evaluate your condition and determine if you have any adverse side effects.

Metal Hip Recalls

Between 2002 and 2013, multiple hip replacement manufacturers recalled these devices due to various defects:

  • Wright Conserve Plus and Profemur Z Hip Stem
  • DePuy ASR Acetabular & Resurfacing System
  • Zimmer Durom Acetabular Component
  • Stryker Rejuvenate and ABG II Hip
  • Smith & Nephew R3 Acetabular, Modular SMF, Modular Redapt Femoral Hip Systems
  • Zimmer Biomet Magnum M2a

The main reasons for these recalls include:

  • Design flaws
  • Manufacturing errors
  • Missing components
  • Early implant failure
  • Labeling issues
  • Migrating devices
  • Instruction problems

There are currently no metal-on-metal hip devices marketed for use in the United States. Only two resurfacing devices are available after being approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA requires all manufacturers to go through an approval process before marketing their products. Although patients aren’t receiving metal hips anymore, some may have them if their surgeries occurred before May 2016.

Results of Prior Lawsuits

Lawsuits around the country are pending, but the ones that reached a settlement or jury verdict have been significant for the plaintiffs. Here are some examples of compensation other people have received for the injuries they sustained from a defective metal hip:

  • Stryker – $2 billion settlement awarded to thousands of plaintiffs
  • DePuy Pinnacle – $500 million verdict awarded to five plaintiffs
  • Johnson & Johnson – $1 billion settlement awarded for around 6,000 cases
  • Smith & Nephew – $25 million settlement
  • Biomet – $56 million settlement, with each plaintiff receiving a base rate of $200,000

The monetary value of your case will depend on multiple factors, including the severity of your injury, total expenses, and other information. Your attorney can review the circumstances associated with your lawsuit and determine the appropriate compensation you deserve.

Contact Us

At Mass Tort Alliance, we make it our mission to find the right lawyer to fit our clients and their needs. You’ve been through a traumatic experience and should feel like a priority throughout your entire case. You might have a legal goal in mind, and we aim to help you achieve that goal.

If you suffered injuries from your metal hip device, contact Mass Tort Alliance. We will discuss what happened and determine if you’re eligible for a lawsuit against the manufacturer.